Appendix 3 Other information

Occupational health and safety

As the staff members of the Secretariat are employees of the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities (the Department), they are subject to the same occupational health and safety arrangements as departmental officers. The Department’s annual report contains details of those arrangements.

Freedom of information

The International Air Services Commission (the Commission) is an agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act). Major reforms of the FOI Act in 2011 required relevant agencies to comply with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) set out in Part II of the FOI Act. In compliance with the IPS requirements, the Commission has established an Information Publication Plan which is available on its website

The Commission also makes available on its website information about its organisational structure; the membership of the Commission including biographical notes of the current Members of the Commission; its functions including its decision-making powers and other powers affecting the public; copies of its annual reports; its legislative framework and its guidelines and procedures; copies of all determinations and decisions issued; applications including submissions in relation to the applications (if any); contact details of the Commission and its Executive Director; and the Commission's operational information. Operational information refers to the information held by the Commission to assist it in performing or exercising its functions or powers in making decisions or recommendations affecting the public.

The information contained in this report meets the requirements of the FOI Act, as amended. Refer to Appendix 4 for further details.

The Commission received no requests under the FOI Act in 2017–18.

Advertising and market research

The Commission does not advertise its functions and services. During the reporting period, the Commission did not pay any person for advertising or for performing any market research.

The Commission maintains its own website which provides details about its functions, the applications it receives and determinations/decisions it has issued, among other matters. The Commission updates its website on a regular basis.

Ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance reporting

The Commission's offices and Secretariat staff are located within the Department's buildings and as such are covered by the Department's processes in this area.

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