Case Date
  • Thailand

The Commission has received a set of applications [PDF: 376 KB] from Qantas seeking variations to various determinations on the Thailand route to effectively consolidate its multiple determinations on the route.

Qantas holds nine current determinations on the Thailand route which allocate a total of:

  • 12.6 B747 equivalent units per week in each direction for passenger services; and
  • 56 third country code share frequencies per week between Australia and Thailand.

The proposed variations

Qantas requests a variation to Determination [2011] IASC 123 to increase the capacity allocation to a total of:

  • 12.6 B747 equivalent units per week in each direction for passenger services; and
  • 56 third country code share frequencies per week between Australia and Thailand.

Qantas further seeks to vary the following determinations to amend their expiry dates to the date when the variation to Determination [2011] IASC 123 takes effect, should a variation be granted by the Commission:

  • [2009] IASC 120
  • [2009] IASC 127
  • [2010] IASC 114
  • [2011] IASC 101
  • [2011] IASC 105
  • [2011] IASC 112
  • [2011] IASC 123
  • [2013] IASC 103; and
  • [2013] IASC 139 (renewal of [2009] IASC 120)

Submissions invited

In accordance with section 22 of the International Air Services Commission Act 1992, the Commission invites submissions about Qantas’ proposed variations. The closing date for submitting a notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5 pm) on 20 February 2014, with the submission due by COB 27 February 2014.

If no notice of intention is received by COB 20 February 2014, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.

Update: 25-February-2014

Further to the application above, Qantas has written to the Commission to clarify that part of its passenger capacity is being used for third country code share frequencies as permitted in the Australia - Thailand air services arrangements. [PDF: 42 KB]

Update: 17-March-2014

On 14 March 2014, the Commission issued Decision [2014] IASC 211 [PDF: 1791 KB] , which consolidates all of Qantas' capacity on the Thailand route into [2011] IASC 123.

The Delegate of the Commission will issue separate decisions to vary Qantas' other determinations to change their expiry dates to the date when the variation above comes into effect.

Update: 18-March-2014

On the 18 March 2014, the Delegate of the Commission issued the following Decisions varying the expiry dates of the following determinations so that they expire on 14 March 2014:

  • [2014] IASC 212  [PDF: 669 KB] , which varies [2009] IASC 120;
  • [2014] IASC 213  [PDF: 651 KB] , which varies [2009] IASC 127;
  • [2014] IASC 214  [PDF: 652 KB] , which varies [2010] IASC 114;
  • [2014] IASC 215  [PDF: 652 KB] , which varies [2011] IASC 101;
  • [2014] IASC 216  [PDF: 647 KB] , which varies [2011] IASC 105;
  • [2014] IASC 217  [PDF: 647 KB] , which varies [2011] IASC 112;
  • [2014] IASC 218  [PDF: 717 KB] , which varies [2013] IASC 103; and
  • [2014] IASC 219  [PDF: 707 KB] , which varies [2013] IASC 139.