- Papua New Guinea
HeavyLift Cargo Airlines Pty Ltd has applied to the Commission for an allocation of 16,500kg capacity on the Papua New Guinea route. Heavylift application [PDF: 50 KB] Other applications for the capacity on the route are invited. The closing date for notification of applications is COB 23 June 2009, with applications due by COB 30 June 2009 unless additional time is sought and agreed to by the Commission.
Other Applications
On 18 June 2009, the Commission received an application from Pacific Air Express for an allocation of 16,500kg capacity on the Papua New Guinea route. Pacific Air Express application [PDF: 794 KB]
Update: 22-June-2009
As both carriers have sought the same limited capacity, this has created a contested situation. Accordingly, on 22 June 2009, the Commission wrote to both HeavyLift and Pacific Air Express asking them to address the paragraph 5 criteria on the Ministers policy statement, with responses due by COB 2 July 2009. The paragraph 5 material from each applicant will be added to the website as it becomes available.
The Commission is inviting submissions from interested parties about the HeavyLift and Pacific Air Express applications. The closing dates for notice of intention to submit and to make a submission are COB 9 and 16 July 2009 respectively.